Winter isn’t the greatest time to be trying to do home improvements, particularly if you’re considering any kind of building. However, winter is a fantastic time to be thinking about what projects might increase the liveability of your home. So while you’re shut inside during the cold months, here are three projects to plan out, so you can get cracking on the construction as soon as the weather warms up.
1. A covered patio
A covered patio is one of the simplest yet most flexible additions you can make to your home. Covered patios are basically big extended verandahs, which create that seamless indoor/outdoor space that is so loved as part of the Australian lifestyle. They are a great idea if you simply need extra space, or if you want to entertain al fresco. There are a number of roofing options for covered patios. Using insulated patio roof panels can help make your patio cooler in summer and warmer in winter, extending the use of the space throughout the year. Other patio roof panels – such as naturalite inserts – allow light through, which can brighten up the space and make a small patio appear more expansive.
2. Freshen up the exterior
Painting is one of the best ways to give your house a makeover. Rendered and weatherboard homes can be given a complete facelift with a new paint job, while repainting window and door frames and timber trims can make a big difference to brick homes.
3. Plan a garden revamp
A garden makeover can do a lot to show your house off to best advantage. Have a look at your pathways, particularly at the entrance to your property. Are they looking a little bit tired? Perhaps the old cement has seen better days, or the pavers are wobbly. Having concrete paths re-coated or replacing your pavers is a great way to improve the appearance of your garden areas. Replacing the edging around your garden beds is another cost-effective update. Winter is also the time to review your plantings, and decide what you’ll need to fill any gaps and make a splash come spring.
Don’t hibernate away from everything when winter comes. Use the time to plan ahead to warmer, drier months, when you can get outside again and bring those new ideas and grand plans to fruition at your house!